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Showing articles from Billing tag

Shopify Billing

If you've chosen Shopify as your preferred payment method, there are some specific procedures that differ from those using credit card billing. Here are a few examples: ## **Shopify Billing Cap:** Shopify has established a billing cap of $5,000. This cap means that if your subscription plan's cost suddenly increases…

Support | FAQ

Find answers to common questions about getting help with Privy, including how to [contact support][1]. # Platform Status **How do I know if Privy is fully operational?** Visit [][2] to get real-time information about the operational status of the Privy platform. Click **Subscribe To Updates** to rec…

Basic Convert Plan Overview

The Basic Convert plan is Privy’s introductory offering for new stores looking for a simple way to get started with list growth. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about the Basic Convert plan. ## Who is eligible for the Basic Convert Plan? The plan is only available for stores with 10,00…

Billing, Payments, & Refunds FAQ

Learn how you'll be charged and how you can change your account's billing or payment setup. **Note: **The plans, prices, and autoscaling examples outlined in this resource reflect the most recent (February 27, 2023) changes to Privy's product offerings. Please see your account's [My Plan & Billing ][1]or [Plans][2] p…

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