Guidelines for Creative Assets

Privy allows you to upload creative assets for use in your displays and emails. Here are a few recommendations you can follow for the best results.

File types, sizes, and names

Supported File Types Maximum File Size File Naming Requirements
.png, .jpeg, and .gif 5 MB Letters and Numbers. No special characters. (e.g. # @ &)

Convert recommendations

Popup images

  • The popup designer offers a full drag, drop, and resize interface, so a wide range of ratios and sizes are supported. However, the maximum size of the popup itself is 1200px by 1200px.
  • The popup designer supports using an image as the background for your popup. The background image is not stretched to fit the size of the popup. Try to use an image that matches the desired dimensions of your popup when possible. 
  • Popups can be configured to fill the entire screen instead of a predefined section. The image used for this full-screen background is not stretched to fit the size of the screen. Instead, the image appears at its full size and will need to be tiled if it is too small to fill the entire screen. If you wish to tile your background image, make sure the edges tile properly. Try some of these free-tiled patterns.

Flyout images (mobile-friendly) 

  • The flyout designer offers a full drag, drop, and resize interface, so a wide range of ratios and sizes are supported. However, the entire flyout should be between 500px by 500px. 
  • One of the flyout templates offered in the template library is a good place to start. 

Banner images

  • A single image can be included. 
  • Any aspect ratio is supported; however, an image close to 1:1 (square) is recommended.
  • Depending on the shopper's screen size, the image will be allowed to stretch up to 230px wide. The height of the image will adjust automatically to maintain the aspect ratio of the stretched width. A photo at least 460 pixels wide is recommended for retina display compatibility.
  • Images with transparency will be displayed on a black background. 

Bar images

  • Images are not currently supported in displays using the bar design. 

Spin-to-win images

  • The display designer allows users to reorder and resize various elements of a spin-to-win, so a wide range of ratios and sizes are supported. However, the maximum width of a spin-to-win is 800px. Background images larger than 800px in width will scale to fit the display's size depending on the selected background image size setting - Original, Contain, Cover, or Stretch. The background image size settings apply the following styling:
    • Original: A background-position of 50% 50%, allowing the original image to fill as much of the display's container as possible from the center. If the image cannot fill the entire container, then the selected background color will appear around the image. 
    • Contain: A background-position of 50% 50% and a background-size of contain with no repeat by default. This styling scales the image as large as possible within its container without cropping or stretching the image. If the image cannot fill the entire container, then the selected background color will appear around the image. 
    • Cover: A background-position of 50% 50% and a background-size of cover with no repeat by default. This styling scales the image to the smallest possible size that fills the container while preserving its ratio and leaving no empty space. If the proportions of the background differ from the container, the image is cropped either vertically or horizontally. 
    • Stretch: A background-position of 50% 50% and a background-size of 100% 100%, forcing the image to fill the entire container from the center. If the proportions of the background image differ from the container, the image is stretched either vertically or horizontally. 
  • To ensure your custom image(s) meets your design goals, please test using each setting on the desktop and mobile previews. 

Embedded form images

  • Images are not currently supported in displays using the bar design. 

Landing page images

  • The landing page designer offers an interface to reorder and resize certain elements of the display, so a wide range of ratios and sizes are supported. However, the maximum width of an included image is 999px.
  • For optimal performance, it's recommended that the landing page include a max of 3 images—for example, your business logo, a display image, and a background image.
  • The landing page designer supports using a full-screen background. The background image is not stretched to fit the size of the screen. Instead, the image displays at its full size and will need to be tiled if it is too small to fill the entire screen. If you wish to tile your background image, make sure the edges tile properly. Try some of these free-tiled patterns.

Email recommendations

Privy's email templates are 600px wide by default, so the following recommendations are made with that width in mind. If you decide to choose a width that differs from 600px, please take extra care during testing to ensure the email aligns with your desired design.

Note: These are general guidelines. The recommendations provide room for a relatively generous margin around the image to provide a clear separation between each piece of content. This spacing may not be required or desired in all designs. The email builder allows image widths, padding, and alignment to change. 

Image sizes

Image size recommendations vary based on the number of columns in your email template. No more than four images in a row are recommended. 

Number of Columns Recommended Image Width
Full-width section 564px
2 column sections 264px
3 column sections 164px
4 column sections 123px

Image sizing can also vary depending on the ratio of the content in your columns.

Content Layout Visual Example Recommended Image Width
Left or right-aligned image with 1/3 caption

Left or right-aligned image with a 1/2 caption

Left or right-aligned image with 2/3 caption

Two images with small captions

 Two images with large captions


Your business' logo

  • Must have a 1:1 (square) aspect ratio, will be stretched to fit a square otherwise.
  • Displays at 120 x 120 pixels on landing pages and 140 x 140 pixels in offer emails. We recommend you upload a square image at least 280 x 280 pixels for retina compatibility.
  • Logos with transparency will display on a white background.
  • GIFs are supported.
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