Submit Feedback About Privy

Customer feedback is invaluable at Privy. While our team members are the ones developing, selling, and supporting the software, our customers are the ones using the tools to attract millions of leads, generate billions of dollars, and build successful businesses.

But how is the feedback used and collected? Read on to learn more. 

How is feedback used?

Getting customer input throughout the development process is very important as it is one of the best ways to ensure that product changes add value for real customers. More specifically, customer feedback is reflected in three primary ways: 

  1. Fresh ideas and fixes - Customers frequently push the Privy product to its limits. The out-of-the-box thinking and creative workarounds used to make their lives easier and their operations more effective are perfect opportunities for improvement. Furthermore, as consistent users of the product, customers are keenly aware of issues that may be unknown or difficult to replicate and should be addressed in future updates. 
  2. Validation for current initiative - The team here at Privy does their best to understand customers' needs, but industry trends, research, and best intentions only go so far. Real, passionate customer feedback helps push the team forward or recalibrate when necessary. 
  3. Start conversations - The Privy feedback options (see below) help the team identify customers with specific situations, challenges, or opportunities in need of additional exploration. These conversations help make the platform better for all users by driving development forward. 

How to share your feedback

The easiest and most direct way to provide product feedback is in-app:

  • Use the "Help" menu - While you're logged into Privy, select Help > Feedback from the main navigation. This action opens a prompt that submits feedback directly to the team. 

Some additional channels for feedback include: 

  • Talk to Support - Email Support if you're having any issues with the product. 
  • Talk to your Customer Success Manager - Managed accounts are encouraged to provide feedback to their CSMs. They can often provide more context on an identified opportunity or challenge and pass along your feedback to the product team when needed. 
  • Participate in Betas - Privy customers occasionally receive invitations to participate in betas to test out new features. If you're interested in providing feedback that directly affects ongoing product development, consider opting into one of these betas. 
  • Participate in Design Testing or Feedback Sessions - Design tests let you experiment with mockups and prototypes of features in development. Meanwhile, feedback sessions allow you to interface with members of the Privy team to deep-dive into specific product areas.
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