Cookies Set in a Visitor's Browser

Privy utilizes cookies, which are text files added to a visitor's browser, to recognize website visitors, and to track their interactions with your displays. This information helps ensure that the correct displays will appear to your visitors based on your display triggers and targeting rules. 

Privy sets the following cookies or the local storage equivalent in visitors' browsers to deliver essential functionality. This list may be updated from time to time. 

Name Duration Purpose
_privy_a 2 years Anonymously records site and display-related activity so the visitor does not see displays that are irrelevant or have already been dismissed.
_privy_b 30 mins Anonymously records site and display-related activity (for the current session) so the client does not see displays that are irrelevant or have already been dismissed. 
_privy_{{identifier}} 1 year  Used to distinguish users. 

Troubleshooting options

Common issues tied to cookies include: 

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