Install a Facebook Event Code

To track contacts that visit your site from a Facebook ad and then sign up via a Privy form, you can install a Facebook event code on the pages that include your Privy Convert displays. The code will allow you to track these "leads" in your Facebook Ads account.

Note: To use Facebook event codes, you must have installed the Facebook Ads tracking pixel. Information on installing third-party pixels is available here

Copy the event code

To start triggering and tracking these events, you will need to copy this code:


fbq('track', 'Lead');


Install the event code

To install the event code:

  • Select the Account option from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  • Select the Business Information option from the dropdown menu. 
  • In the sidebar, select Customizations under the Business Settings section.
  • Paste the copied event code into the Conversion Pixels area.  
  • Select the Save Changes option at the bottom of the page. 

Note: Privy will now fire the pixel after every new form submission. After around 24 hours, you should begin to see lead counts increment in Facebook ads. 

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