This integration is no longer supported.

To sync the contacts captured by your Privy displays to your SendGrid account, you must connect the two accounts and add sync rules to your displays.

Setting up the integration

The Sendgrid integration is unfortunately no longer supported at Privy, so accounts no longer have the option to connect their Privy account to Sendgrid moving forward. However, if you had an existing Sendgrid integration installed prior to December 2022, here’s how to find it and test its connection:

  1. Click on your business name in the upper right corner of your dashboard. Select Integrations from the dropdown menu.

  2. View all existing integrations under the Linked Accounts section.

Add a sync rule to your display

These rules must be set for each display individually.

To add a sync rule to a display so that the collected contacts sync to SendGrid:

  1. Navigate to Convert > All Displays

  2. Select the display you’d like to sync and navigate to the Settings step of the display builder.

  3. Click to Show Advanced Settings in the lower left. Select the Sync Integrations card and click to Add a new integration.

  4. Select SendGrid from the dropdown menu, configure the presented options, and Save.

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