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Showing articles from Billing tag

Support | FAQ

Find answers to common questions about getting help with Privy, including how to [contact support][1]. # Platform Status **How do I know if Privy is fully operational?** Visit [][2] to get real-time information about the operational status of the Privy platform. Click **Subscribe To Updates** to rec…

Shopify Billing

If you've chosen Shopify as your preferred payment method, there are some specific procedures that differ from those using credit card billing. Here are a few examples: ## **Shopify Billing Cap:** Shopify has established a billing cap of $5,000. This cap means that if your subscription plan's cost suddenly increases…

Basic Convert Plan Overview

The Basic Convert plan is Privy’s introductory offering for new stores looking for a simple way to get started with list growth. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about the Basic Convert plan. ## Who is eligible for the Basic Convert Plan? The plan is only available for stores with 10,00…

Billing, Payments, & Refunds FAQ

Learn how you'll be charged and how you can change your account's billing or payment setup. **Note: **The plans, prices, and autoscaling examples outlined in this resource reflect the most recent (February 27, 2023) changes to Privy's product offerings. Please see your account's [My Plan & Billing ][1]or [Plans][2] p…

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