Use Custom Webhooks

If you're a developer, you can configure webhooks to send from Privy to an external system for signup and order events. 

Configuration and examples

To add, edit, or remove webhooks:

  • In Privy, click the Account option from the navigation. Your business name appears there. 
  • Select the Integrations option from the dropdown menu. 
  • In the sidebar, select Webhooks under the Integrations section. 

Here is an example webhook payload for a signup event: 

    "id": 999999,

    "email": "",

    "first_name": "Test",

    "last_name": "User",

    "custom_fields": null,

    "created_at": null,

    "updated_at": null,

    "display": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Newsletter signup"

If the signup has custom fields, the custom_fields will appear as a (single-level) nested object:


    "id": 999999,

    "email": "",

    "first_name": "Test",

    "last_name": "User",

    "custom_fields": {

        "favorite_color": "blue"


    "created_at": null,

    "updated_at": null,

    "display": {

        "id": 1,

        "title": "Newsletter signup"

Endpoint requirements

Your webhook endpoint must be a publicly accessible URL that resolves to an IP address in one of the public ranges. For example, you cannot use any URL that resolves to or equivalent.

We recommend using HTTP basic authentication to add a layer of security to your webhook endpoint (e.g., ). 

Your server will need to reply with an HTTP 200 response to let you know you've received the webhook. If it does not respond with an HTTP 200, Privy will not return the server's HTTP response code or response body to you for inspection. 

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