Schedule a Display

Scheduling allows you to set up a display so that it becomes available and expires at predetermined times. The functionality makes creating and executing multiple displays much easier, especially during the busy season.  

Note: Display schedules rely on the time zone set in the Business Information settings of your account. Please make sure to adjust your publish date and time to accommodate any differences in your account's time zone compared to the target market (e.g., 3 PM EDT = 12 PM PDT). 

Create a schedule

To schedule a display:

  • Navigate to the Convert > All Displays
  • Locate and select the display that you'd like to schedule. 
  • Select the Settings step in the display editor and click on the Scheduling card.
  • Enable the Fixed option in the Signup Period area and then select the desired Start and End dates before ultimately clicking Save

If the display has already been published, it will move to a Scheduled status, and no additional action is required. If the display is a draft, you will still need to publish the display for the schedule to take effect. Don't worry! A reminder prompt appears if this action is required.

Change a schedule

To change the scheduling constraints previously applied to a display: 

  • Navigate to the Convert > All Displays
  • Locate and select the display that you'd like to schedule. 
  • Select the Settings step in the display editor and click on the Scheduling card.
  • Update the Start and End dates before ultimately clicking Save

The countdown to publishing will update at the top right once the new schedule is saved. For example, the update shown below increases the countdown from 1 day to 7 days. 

Remove a schedule

Once a schedule has been applied to a display, it cannot be removed. To prevent a scheduled publish, change the schedule, copy the display, and delete the original.

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