Install Privy with Tag Manager

For users who don't want to install the Privy Code manually or via a supported e-commerce platform, there is a way to install Privy by adding the code to Google Tag Manager (GTM). Utilizing a GTM container allows for the Privy code to be managed through Google and can make adding or removing Privy from multiple sites easier. 


Before you begin, please review the guidelines below. Using Google Tag Manager to install and manage your Privy code will result in the loss of some functionality. 

  • If you've already installed Privy manually or through an integration, you should not also install Privy through Google Tag Manager. These methods are considered mutually exclusive. 
  • If you install Privy through GTM, the following functionality will be lost within Privy versus installing through your e-commerce platform.
    • Google Analytics tracking for view and signup events will not function. 
    • Abandoned Cart and Purchase Follow-Up emails will not work with Privy installed via GTM.
    • Display Revenue will not be detected and displayed on your dashboard.
    • Cart Value, Product/Variant ID, and Order Count targeting for Convert displays and newsletter emails will not work. 

Copy your Privy code

To install your code, you first need to copy it from your Privy account's settings:

  1. In your Privy account, select the Account dropdown menu from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  2. Select the Business Information option from the dropdown menu. 
  3. In the sidebar, select Privy Code under the Business Settings section. 
  4. Locate and copy the code listed in the Install the Code Myself section. 

Install the code

To install your Privy code with Google Tag Manager:

  • In a new browser tab or window, log in to your Google Tag Manager account.
  • Ensure you are in the proper Workspace
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Tags and click New.
  • Name your tag by replacing the Untitled Tag at the top left of the pane.

  • Select the Tag Configuration area and choose Custom HTML for the Tag type.
  • Paste the Privy code that you retrieved earlier into the HTML field.
  • Below the Tag Configuration area, click Triggering to set up a firing rule. If you don't set up a firing rule, the tag will not fire, Privy Convert displays will not function, and Privy Analytics will not be collected.
  • Select the All Pages (Page view) option for your trigger. 
  • Click Save to save your new tag.
  • In the upper right, click Submit to save your new tag and trigger. 

After submitting, you will have the option to give this version a name and description. You will want this version name and description to indicate the changes you are making to add the Privy Code to your GTM account to install the Privy app on your site. Once you have given your version a name and description, select the Publish button at the top right. 

Now, every time someone visits a page on your site (the trigger), the tag (Privy Code) will run so that your Privy Convert displays appear to visitors and analytics are collected. 

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