Manage Multiple Businesses

Privy works best when one business is paired with one Privy account. This 1:1 ratio ensures that each brand is as easy to manage as possible and has various benefits, including: 

  • Easily sort and manage the unique content associated with each business. 
  • Quickly review the performance information associated with that particular business. 
  • Provide per-business marketing permissions management to ensure compliance with privacy regulations and commercial messaging guidelines, such as CAN-SPAM

With this in mind, switching between multiple accounts is quick and easy. Once an email address is associated with multiple businesses, the accounts become linked. Users can switch between accounts using a single option in Privy's main navigation bar. If you are interested in managing multiple businesses within Privy, please check out the resources below. 

Unique accounts vs. Subaccounts

Each of your businesses can be associated with either a unique standalone Privy account or a subaccount. Standalone accounts function like any other account, while the primary benefits of a subaccount include: 

  • Subaccounts inherit the features, except for Privy Text, associated with the parent account.
  • Subaccounts share the feature and traffic limits of the parent account. 
  • Subaccounts are collectively billed under the parent account. 

However, various limitations must be considered when opting for a subaccount, which is described in more detail in this guide. If you anticipate any of these limitations becoming a challenge, a standalone account is recommended. 

Create additional accounts

Once you've determined which kind of secondary account is right for you, you will need to create an additional account. To create a new account: 

  • Open a private or incognito browser window. 
  • Navigate to the Privy signup page. 
  • Use an alternate email address - not currently associated with Privy - to create the account. 

You should now add your primary email address and any other desired users to the new account by following the steps below. Existing as a user in each account allows you to switch between and manage the different businesses seamlessly. To add additional users to your account:

  • Select the Account option from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  • Select the Business Information option from the dropdown menu.
  • From the left-hand navigation menu, select Users.
  • Click the + Add User button in the upper right. 

The additional user(s) will be sent a password email to configure their login and a confirmation email to confirm they have been added to the account. If you've decided to manage the business as a unique standalone account, then you can move on to the next section. However, if you'd like to make the new account a subaccount: 

  • Log into or switch to the account that will be the parent/primary account. 
  • Select the Account option from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  • Select the My Information option from the dropdown menu.
  • From the left-hand navigation menu, select My Plans & Billing.
  • In the Subaccounts section, click the Link Privy Account button.
  • In the prompt, select the desired "child" account from the dropdown menu and then confirm your selection by clicking the Link account button.

The selected account is now a subaccount and will be subject to all of the benefits and limitations associated with that account type. To manage ownership of this account, move to the next section. 

Note: Subaccounts that are on a paid plan cannot be linked to another account. Please cancel any paid subscriptions in an account before attempting to make it a subaccount. 

Transfer account ownership

By default, the initial user listed on each account will become the Account Owner. In some instances, such as when creating a new account with an alternate email address, you may want to transfer the account ownership to another user or member of your team. The user must exist in the account at the time of the transfer. To change account ownership:

  • Select the Account option from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  • Select the Business Information option from the dropdown menu.
  • From the left-hand navigation menu, select Users.
  • Click the Transfer Ownership button next to any authorized user. 

The account is now assigned to that user. They will receive any account-specific communications from Privy, and the Privy Support Team will defer to them on account management matters. The ownership of each of your subaccounts is reviewable in My Plans & Billing

Note: The ownership of subaccounts does not automatically transfer to the owner of the parent account. Each account's ownership must be updated manually. 

Switch between accounts

To access another account that you manage:

  • Select the Account option from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  • Select the Change Business option from the dropdown menu.
  • Click any business listed in the dropdown menu to be taken to that account’s dashboard. If the desired business is the default option or the switch change doesn't occur automatically, click the Switch business button to force a refresh. 

Note: In some instances, a marketing company or agency may configure multiple accounts for their clients. If a private browser is not utilized for this process, then the result will be all accounts configured within that browsing session will become linked. 

Troubleshooting options

If you have any issues accessing or managing your accounts, please contact Privy’s Support Team via email or the chat widget at the bottom right of this screen. 

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