Use Audience Targeting

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can show the right message to the right person at the right time. Multiple conditions can be applied to a single display to target specific audience segments like first-time mobile visitors or customers from the USA who have visited your site more than three times. 

Note: To see a display, a visitor that matches your audience targeting conditions must also meet the display's trigger settings (e.g., Show on a timer), so it's important to plan your When To Show and Who To Show It To settings together. 

Add Audience Targetting Conditions to a Template

To access the audience targeting conditions available to you, create a new Template display or edit an existing Template via the Convert dashboard and navigate to the Settings step in the display builder. Select the Audience Targeting section and then the Add Targeting Condition button. 

From here, you will be able to add a wide range of conditions using AND logic and OR logic. These conditions are evaluated in blocks denoted by a green outline, and the relationships between the conditions in each block are determined by the Match ALL and Match ANY dropdown menu.

Setting a block to Match ALL requires that all conditions in the block relate to one another using AND logic. For example, this logic can be used to target contacts from the state of Massachusetts who have placed at least one order. 

Meanwhile, setting a block to Match ANY requires that all conditions in the block relate to one another using OR logic. For example, this logic can be used to target contacts from Massachusetts or New York. 

Furthermore, additional conditional blocks can be added using the +Add operator outside of the original block. A combination of blocks means you can create a reasonably complex targeting ruleset so that you show the right message to the right person at the right time. 

Audience targeting options 

The following audience targeting conditions are available: 

Customer Attributes

Country: Target visitors based on the country reported by the contact's IP address. 

Custom fields: Target contacts based on their custom field values, which are provided via an import or when submitting a display. This guide explains how to leverage custom fields in your targeting conditions. 

Language: Target visitors based on the default language set in their browser. The values for this condition are language codes following the BCP 47 standard and written without the region subtag —for example, en for English, fr for French, or es for Spanish. 

Postal Code: This condition targets contacts based on their postal code area. It currently supports postal codes from the United States (5-Digit), the United Kingdom (Outward Code), Canada (3-Digit FSA), and Australia (4-Digit). Each unique postal code must be entered on its own line. 

Region: Target contacts based on their geographic region. This condition currently supports states from the United States, counties from the United Kingdom, provinces from Canada, and states/territories from Australia. 

Shopping Activity

Cart Product IDs: Target visitors based on the product IDs identified in their cart. This condition is available for accounts integrated with Shopify or BigCommerce. 

Cart Value: Target visitors based on the current value of your BigCommerce, Shopify, Squarespace, or Weebly cart.

Cart Variant IDs: Target visitors based on the product variant IDs identified in their cart. This condition is available for accounts integrated with Shopify or BigCommerce. 

Order count: Target contacts based on the number of orders they have placed in your Shopify or Weebly store. 

Website Behavior

Display seen: Target visitors based on the displays that they've seen. 

Display Seen (this session): Target visitors based on the displays they've seen in this session. A session is a group of interactions with your website within a given time frame. It expires after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Display signed up: Target visitors based on the displays they've submitted. 

Display signed up (this session): Target visitors based on the displays they've submitted for this session. A session is a group of interactions with your website within a given time frame. A session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Current URL: Target visitors based on the URL, including the domain, that the visitor is on. Learn more about leveraging the Current URL condition in this guide

Day of week: Target visitors based on the day of their visit. 

Device category: Target visitors based on their device to view your site (Desktop vs. Mobile). Tablets are considered part of the mobile device category. 

Initial traffic type: Target visitors based on the channel they used to reach your site for the first time (e.g., direct, paid, social, etc.). A visitor's channel is determined by the UTM parameter(s) included in the link that led them to your site. 

Initial URL (all time): Target visitors based on the URL of the first page that they landed on when visiting your site. 

Initial URL (this session): Target visitors based on the URL of the first page that they landed on when visiting your site this session. A session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Pageviews (all time): Target visitors based on the total number of pageviews across all of their tracked sessions. 

Pageviews (this session): Target visitors based on the total number of pageviews across the current tracked session. 

Referring URL: Target visitors based on the page they were on immediately before viewing the current page. This URL could be from one of your site pages or an external page. 

Sessions Count: Target visitors based on the number of unique times they've visited your website. A session is a group of interactions with your website within a given time frame. A session expires after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Time of day: Target visitors based on the time of their visit. 

Traffic type: Target visitors based on the channel they used to reach your site (e.g., Direct, Paid, Social, etc.). A visitor's channel is determined by the UTM parameter(s) included in the link that led them to your site. 


Custom JavaScript: This allows you to create your own targeting rules using JavaScript. This option is only recommended for advanced users and outside Privy Support's scope. 

User identity: Targets visitors based on whether they are known or unknown. A "Known" visitor has submitted their information via a display or store checkout, been tagged with a tracking cookie, and become a contact. An "Unknown" visitor has not provided their information and remains unidentified. They may or may not be associated with an anonymous tracking cookie. 

Add Audience Targetting Conditions to a Classic Display

To access the audience targeting conditions available to you, create a new display or edit an existing display via the Convert dashboard and navigate to the Target step in the display builder. Select the Who To Show It To section and then the Add targeting condition button. 

Example use cases

Audience targeting conditions can accommodate a wide range of scenarios depending on the complexity of your display's ruleset and the custom fields in your account. This flexibility means an all-encompassing list of use cases is impossible; however, a few notable scenarios that aren't already included in existing display plays (e.g., Welcome, Cross-Sell, Abandoned Cart) are outlined in more detail below. 


If your announcements only apply to customers in certain areas, such as those that include brick-and-mortar locations, targeting by country, region, or postal code can help you deliver your display to the relevant areas. 

Note: Location-based targeting rules are based on the visitor's network address. Although uncommon for the typical consumer, the detected location may be incorrect or unknown if the visitor is using a virtual private network (VPN) or other configuration that obscures their location.

Channel referral 

If you are leveraging different channels (e.g., Ads or Social) to drive site traffic, you can create displays that acknowledge where the visitor arrived from by utilizing the Initial URL (this session) condition. This approach will make each visitor's experience a bit more personal and will help ensure that the visitor knows they've arrived at the right place. 

Loyalty recognition

If you are hoping to create a profitable business, you are undoubtedly looking to create loyal customers, as they are typically the most valuable. A great way to build loyalty is to acknowledge and reward multiple orders by utilizing the Order Count targeting condition. 

Note: Shoppers must be known to be eligible for this display. A shopper is known if they are logged into your store, have clicked a button in one of your Privy emails to reach your store, or have previously signed up via a display and haven't cleared their browser cookies.

User Identity

If you have announcements or promotions that only apply to new or existing customers, the User Identity condition can help you deliver your display to the appropriate visitors. A "Known" visitor has submitted their information via a display or store checkout, been tagged with a tracking cookie, and become a contact. An "Unknown" visitor has not provided their information and remains unidentified. Both conditions are easily combined with other conditions to create unique experiences for new or returning customers.

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