Update Your Email Footer Address

To comply with anti-spam legislation like the United States CAN-SPAM Act and Canada's CASL, marketing emails must include your business's physical address and a link for contacts to manage their email subscription. Privy will automatically add the proper unsubscribe link, but you must update your address information before emailing. 

Note: Be sure to review and follow any other marketing guidelines that apply to your customers, as additional legislation may be in effect in different countries and regions.

Edit your email settings

To update your business address so you can send emails with Privy: 

  • Select the Account option from the navigation bar. Your business name appears here. 
  • Select the Business Information option from the dropdown menu. 
  • In the sidebar, click Sender Options under Email Settings
  • Input your information into the Business Street Address field. 
  • Click the Save Changes button. 

The results will look something like this: 

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