Use Product Segmentation

In Privy, purchase follow-up and abandoned cart messages can be sent to customers based on their order history or what they've left in their cart. This product-based segmentation allows you to send relevant product messaging and personalized recommendations to customers, which are both powerful strategies for driving sales, improving conversion rates, and increasing order value. 

Note: This functionality is only available for accounts integrated with Shopify. Additionally, segmentation is optional. Without these settings enabled, you can still send abandoned cart messages and purchase follow-up messages.

Purchase follow-up messages

There's a fantastic opportunity to build a stronger relationship and encourage repeat business with your customers following a purchase. Instead of sending traditional marketing materials, consider sending complimentary resources that empower the customer to use your product successfully. Suppose you sell food products, and a customer has just purchased some ginger broth. You now have an opportunity to send them a recipe or an FAQ, which will help them to use your product and encourage them to return when they need similar products in the future.

To enable product segmentation for a purchase follow-up email:

  • In your Privy account, click the Automations option in the main navigation.
  • You can edit an existing email draft by clicking the New Automation button and selecting the Purchase Follow-Up option from the popup, or you can create a new email by clicking the New Automation button.
  • In the Settings step of the email builder, click Edit next to the "Trigger settings" header.
  • Locate the Product ID field and select the desired filter and product(s) from the dropdown menus. If you are encountering issues locating an item via the product dropdown, check out the troubleshooting steps.
  • Select the Save Changes option at the top right.

  • You can customize the email's other settings and content. Additional information on creating purchase-up emails can be found here.
  • Select the Activate option at the top right to start sending the email to eligible recipients.

Abandoned cart messages

Sometimes a simple reminder isn't enough to get an interested individual to complete a purchase. If this reminds you of your customers, ask yourself what motivates them to select your product or engage with your brand. Maybe you sell sustainably sourced footwear, and someone has just left a pair of your newest sneakers in their cart. You now have an opportunity not only to remind the prospect of the item they've left behind but also the impact of their decision to purchase a sustainable product, the quality of your materials, or perhaps the story of the product's development.

Abandoned cart email

To enable product segmentation for an abandoned cart email:

  • In your Privy account, click the Automations option in the main navigation.
  • Select an existing email draft to edit, or click the New Automation button and select the Purchase Follow-Up option from the popup to create a new email.
  • In the Settings step of the email builder, click Edit next to the "Trigger settings" header. 
  • Locate the Product ID field and select the desired filter and product(s) from the dropdown menus. If you are encountering issues locating an item via the product dropdown, check out the troubleshooting steps below.
  • Select the Save Changes option at the top right.

  • You can customize the email's other settings and content. Additional information on creating abandoned cart emails can be found here
  • Select the Activate option at the top right to start sending the email to eligible recipients.

Abandoned cart text

To enable product segmentation for an abandoned cart text:

  • In your Privy account, click the Automations option in the main navigation.
  • Select the Abandoned Cart option from the dropdown menu. 
  • Click the New text message button or select an existing text draft to edit. 
  • Locate the Product ID field In the Triggers section of the text builder. 
  • Select the desired filter and product(s) from the dropdown menus. If you are encountering issues locating an item via the product dropdown, check out the troubleshooting steps below. 
  • Select the Save Changes option at the bottom right of the Trigger Settings section.  

  • You can customize the text's other settings and content. Additional information on creating abandoned cart texts can be found here
  • Select the Activate option at the top right to start sending the text to eligible recipients. 


If you encounter issues locating a product using the Product ID dropdown, please attempt the steps outlined below. This more manual method allows you to hone in on a specific item quickly and is particularly useful for merchants with large catalogs. 

  • After locating the Product ID field in the Triggers section of the email or text builder, open a separate tab and navigate to your Shopify dashboard. 
  • Select the Products option from the lefthand sidebar. 
  • Locate a product you'd like to use for segmentation and click on it to view its information. 
  • In the browser bar, copy the ID number at the end of the URL. 
  • Navigate back to Privy and paste the ID number into the Product ID field. Repeat this process for each product you'd like to use for segmentation. 
  • Select the Save Changes option at the bottom right of the Trigger Settings section. 

  • Customize the message's other settings and its content.
  • Select the Activate option at the top right to start messaging the eligible recipients. 
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