How to 'Gate' Content with a Classic Display

Gated content is any type of content that visitors can only access after exchanging their information. Essentially, the content is hidden behind a display and requires a visitor to sign up. Gated content is great for lead generation as it entices visitors to sign up while simultaneously identifying an area of interest. Compelling types of gated content include white papers, ebooks, and webinars.

With Privy, there are several ways to gate content. These are:

  • Include a download link in your display thank-you page.
  • Include a download link in your after-signup message. 
  • Immediately redirect the visitor to the content following their signup. 

While most displays support content gating, the landing page is particularly well-suited. Learn more about using each "gating" approach, including the common pros and cons below.

Content via thank-you page

Offering your gated content via a display's thank-you page is immediate and straightforward and removes the possibility of the content going to promotions or spam. However, the content is not easily referenceable unless the visitor saves it or bookmarks its hosting location. To offer content via a display's thank-you page:

  • Navigate to Convert > All Displays and select the desired display. 
  • In the Create step of the display builder, select the After Signup Action card. 
  • Select the Show thank you page action and then click the Save button.
  • Next, select the Thank You Page Design card to open the editor.
  • Include a download link in the page's design. Depending on your desired presentation, this can be via linked text, a linked picture, or a button. Whatever your approach, make it obvious to the visitor that they must click the element to receive their offer.
  • After making your changes, click the Save button in the top-right of the editor.

Visitors who sign up for this display will be prompted to download your offer.

Content via after-signup message

Offering your gated content via a display after-signup message is quick and straightforward and makes revisiting or sharing the content very easy. However, there is a possibility that the message gets routed to the recipient's promotions or spam folder, and the shareability factor may not be desirable in all situations. To offer content via a display after signup message:

  • Navigate to Convert > All Displays and select the desired display.
  • In the Follow-up step of the display builder, select the Subject line of the default after signup message to access the email editor.
  • Include a download link in the email's design. This is possible via linked text, a linked picture, or a button depending on your desired presentation. Whatever your approach, make it obvious to the visitor that they must click the element to receive their offer. After making your changes, click the Save button in the top-right of the editor.
  • Lastly, make sure that the Published? toggle is enabled and in the ON position.

Visitors who sign up for this display will receive an email with the download link.

Content via redirect

Offering your gated content via a display redirect is quick and straightforward, making saving or sharing the content easy. However, his approach takes the visitor's attention away from your website, and the shareability factor may not be desirable in all situations. To offer content via a display's redirect:

  • Navigate to Convert > All Displays and select the desired display.
  • In the Create step of the display builder, select the After Signup Action card.
  • Select the Redirect to URL action and paste your download link into the field.
  • After making your changes, click the Save button.

Visitors who sign up for this display will be provided the offer immediately.

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