Adding Images to Displays

Images are crucial for making messages easy to understand. Because the human brain processes images better than written language, photos and other visual designs convey information faster than text, reducing the reader’s response time to the message. Studies show that people only remember 10% of what they hear and 20% of what they read, but 80% of what they see.

Adding Images and Product Images

The Photo Manager helps you assemble an image collection to create your designs. It previews your account images and allows you to upload new ones. There are two ways to access it, depending on if you're creating a Campaign or an Email:

In a Convert Campaign

To add an image to your Convert Campaign:

  • Navigate to Convert > All Displays, choose an existing Display or click New Display.
  • In the right side panel, click on the image or background image you want to replace.
  • On the resulting pop-up, choose whether you would like to add an image from your device or a product image from your Shopify catalog.

Click the Use This Photo button to add it to your campaign.

Logo and Default image

You can check this article to set a company logo and default image for your Privy account.

Best practices for using marketing images

Brand identity

Maintaining your brand identity is essential for immediate recognition by email recipients. Remember that the quality of your images affects how your brand is perceived; therefore, design aesthetics, style elements, and images must look professional and match your identity.


The images in your campaigns and emails should be relevant to your message. Everything must be consistent, from the subject line to the CTA (call-to-action). Remember to provide a clear offer in each campaign or email, and ensure that everything in your message implies that.

File type and size

Following Privy's file types and size recommendations ensures visitors have the optimal experience when engaging with your campaigns or emails. Please take a look at the guidelines for creative assets for details.

Alt text

Complying with ADA guidelines for Web Accessibility requires including alt text in your images. Rename your image files to the desired alt text, and Privy will automatically set it up on the image upload. Remember to keep your last text concise and to include keywords. For more information on ADA compliance with Privy, visit this article.

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