Create a Landing Page

A landing page is a standalone web page that is specifically designed to receive and convert traffic from a marketing or advertising campaign. It's where a visitor "lands" after they click on a link in an email, an ad, a social post, or other web content. Unlike a traditional web page, which typically encourages a visitor to explore additional content, landing pages are designed with a single focus - convert the visitor into a lead.

A landing page achieves this goal by pairing a narrowly focused, action-oriented call-to-action with a form to capture the visitor's information. This display functions differently from the other display types in that it does not show your existing site content. Instead, it is an entirely self-contained display that you can direct your contacts to via a link. 

Note: You must use a Classic Display in order to create a Landing Page

Create the display

To create a landing page display: 

  • Navigate to Convert > All Displays and click on the New Display button. 
  • On the Templates dashboard, select Get Started under the "Prefer the classic creation experience?" card on the bottom right of the page, provide an internal name, and then click the Create Display button. 
  • In the Create step of the display builder, select the desired Form fields and Validations for the display. Three fields or less are recommended, while the validation depends on your intended audiences and desired discount availability.

  • Next, select the Add a Display option. 
  • Select Landing Page from the sidebar, choose a template to customize, and then click the Choose Selected option in the upper right. 
  • Use the display designer to configure the display to your liking.
  • Select the Save option at the upper right when you are done with your changes. 

  • After saving, a new Landing Page Design section will be available under the Create tab. It's best practice to use a thank-you page after sign up action; however, you can opt to redirect the user or do nothing instead. 

Target the right audience

Since a landing page display only appears when it is visited, the only audience targeting option revolves around how long the page is available. If you would like the display to expire after a fixed period, move to the Target step and update the How Long to Show It setting. 

Follow-up the display

To sync the display's signups to another service or send a follow-up message to the customers who submitted the display, move to the Follow-up step and review the options below. Please note that accounts created before May 26, 2022, won't automatically enable after signup emails. Instead, you must manually switch the Published toggle to the ON position.

  1. After-signup emails are enabled by default on active displays, meaning that they will immediately start sending to new signups if the following criteria are met:
  1. Select the Sync signups option to sync the signups to a list in a linked account. If you're not using Privy Email, this setting is particularly important as it ensures the contact information (e.g., email address) is available to the third-party provider.
  2. Select the Send text message option to send an after-signup text message to the individuals who decided to sign up for the display.
  3. Enable or disable real-time notifications for your users. These notifications will alert the user of new display signups immediately. Save

The text option requires a Privy Text subscription. Customers are only eligible to receive texts if their phone number was collected via a Privy display using the phone field, they checked the text opt-in checkbox, and they answered "YES" to the double opt-in message sent to their number.

Launch the display

Once the display has been created, the target audience selected, and any desired follow-up messages configured, select the Publish button at the upper right of the Follow-up step and confirm your decision in the prompt. 

The landing page is now live and will be available at the link listed in the Design step next to the Landing Page Design header.  

Note: The landing page URL will only show when the display is published. If you stop the display, the link will not appear until you have re-published it.

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