Privy's Classic Display Types

The Convert tool currently offers seven display types that can be customized in a variety of ways via plays or from scratch. These types are Popup, Flyout, Bar, Banner, Spin-to-Win, Embedded Form, and Landing Page. Each offers unique advantages based on the situation. 


Popups, also known as light boxes, are typically shown in the center of your website and are great at attracting a visitor's attention. Pairing a popup with clever verbiage or a specific campaign, like a discount or a unique piece of content, is a powerful way to gather visitor information.

Looking for some additional popup examples? Check out the Privy Display Galleries.


Flyouts appear in the lower right, left, or middle of the page and are a bit more subtle than a popup, but more likely to draw attention than a banner or embed form because they include movement. Flyouts are particularly great for visitors who are in the middle of executing a task or reading a long-form page, like in the blog section of your site or on a product detail page.

Looking for some additional flyout examples? Check out the Privy Display Galleries

Bars & Banners

Bars and Banners are closely related as they both strive to be less intrusive than a popup. Visually, a Bar display is thinner, while Banners can take up to a third of the viewable window. More specifically:

Bars provide a full-width message that typically sits either on top of your site or at the bottom. If you want a more subtle email collection form, a bar sitting at the top or bottom of the page is a great option. Bars are great for capturing emails as well as for subtly promoting things like free shipping, customer satisfaction guarantees, and new products.

Meanwhile, Banners provide a more subtle interaction that sits at the top or bottom of a site, but starts in a "hidden" state until triggered, then rolls into sight at the desired time. With attention-grabbing movement, a banner offers a less invasive choice than a popup but still includes movement that attracts the eye of your visitor.

Looking for some additional bar or banner examples? Check out the Privy Display Galleries


A spin-to-win display encourages site visitors to submit their contact information for a chance to win several potential prizes via an interactive wheel. Visitors love it because it's a highly engaging way to get a discount, and you'll love it because it converts at a high rate and is completely customizable.

Looking for some additional spin-to-win examples? Check out the Privy Display Galleries

Embedded Forms

Embedded forms let you place a static sign-up form on your website to capture email addresses and other relevant information. They are a great complementary piece to your other campaigns and make for an excellent permanent installation in your site's footer or sidebar.

This display is positioned anywhere that the embedded code has been added. You can receive your embedded code by publishing your display and heading to the Create tab.

Looking for some additional embedded form examples? Check out the Privy Display Galleries.

Landing Pages

Landing pages function differently from other display types. The main difference is that it does not display on your site. Instead, a landing page is a self-contained display that you can direct your contacts to with a link. This is especially helpful in situations when you want to share a display across different channels (e.g., Social media, email, ads, etc.). 

Looking for some additional landing page examples? Check out this guide

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