Contacts vs. Signups

The terms "Contact" and "Signup" appear throughout the Privy platform and are closely related to one another. However, they do not mean the same thing, and it's important to know why. 

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A contact is an individual whose interaction with your business has prompted the creation of a profile in the Contacts area of your Privy account. The information stored in these records empowers you to create more focused displays via audience targeting and enables you to send eligible recipients marketing or sales communications.

There are multiple ways to create contacts in Privy:

  • A new visitor submits a Privy form with their email address or phone number. This submission automatically creates a contact profile for the visitor, which is associated with a unique email address or phone number. 
  • External contact data held in a spreadsheet (CSV) is imported into Privy. 
  • External contact data from an integrated tool (Linked Account) is imported into Privy. 
  • The contact is manually created via the Contacts dashboard in Privy. 

Contacts and their associated profile information are available for export following their creation.


A signup is when a contact completes the act of registration on a Privy display. A single contact might show more than one signup. Here are several likely reasons that could be the case:

  • A single contact registered for this display multiple times.
  • A single contact has registered for several displays you run through Privy.
  • Testing. Maybe you or your team had been testing and registered more than once.

If a contact is associated with multiple signups, you can click into their contact profile to reveal their signup history in their Activity feed, as shown below:

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