Unsubscribe Contacts

Unsubscribing is removing an email address from a mailing list so that it does not receive any further contacts. Every email campaign on Privy includes an unsubscribe link, allowing subscribers to opt-out at any moment. These links are critical for your marketing strategy because they prevent you from sending emails to individuals who no longer wish to receive them. Having a list with a genuinely interested audience along with good list hygiene enhances deliverability and boosts your email performance. Unsubscribes can also be done by you, following the steps below.

Individual unsubscribe

To individually unsubscribe a contact:

  • In your Privy account, select Contacts on the main navigation.
  • On the Contacts dashboard, click on the contact you wish to unsubscribe.
  • Next, select Unsubscribe and confirm the unsubscription by clicking the Unsubscribe button.

After unsubscribing a contact, you can add tags to make filtering or segmenting for this specific contact easier in the future. Please note that tags are optional. To individually apply tags to your contacts:

  • On the Attributes card, click + Add a tag.
  • Select an available tag or create a new one by adding the tag to the appropriate field.
  • Click Save.

Bulk unsubscribe

Bulk unsubscribing contacts in Privy are made via a CSV file containing the contact's information. To correctly import these files, you must have your data structured appropriately. A sample file is available for download here. Please make sure your import meets the following criteria:

  • The file must use the CSV format. 
  • The file must include an email address column.
  • The first row of the file must contain column headers. These headers are not case-sensitive and are used to match the imported values with customer attributes (fields) in Privy. 
  • Your file should contain exclusively Non-mailable (unsubscribed) contacts. 

Once you're ready to go, do the following:

  • In your Privy account, select Contacts from the main navigation.
  • On the Contacts dashboard, select the Add Contacts option.
  • Select the CSV Upload option from the dropdown menu.
  • Click Choose File to locate the CSV file on your computer. Once you have selected the file, click Next in the lower right corner.

  • On the Match your columns page, you will match the file's column headers with customer attributes (fields) in Privy. Use the dropdown menus to select an existing attribute or click Create New Field to create a new custom field to store the information. After matching all of the fields and identifying one of them as the required email field, click Next.  

  • On the Choose Status page, select Unsubscribed. Confirm your selection and then click Next.

  • On the Tag page, you can apply a tag to every contact in the file to make filtering or segmenting for them more straightforward in the future. Select one or more tags from the dropdown menu (or create a new one) and click Next.
  • Lastly, review and confirm your file upload by clicking Submit.

After submitting the import, Privy's Compliance Team will review it. Please keep in mind that depending on the size of the import file, this procedure can take a while. The review status of the import is available in the Import section of your account's Business Settings.

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