Use a Tiered Cart Saver Strategy

A cart saver display encourages visitors who have started the checkout process to complete their purchase if they indicate they are about to leave. A cart saver display combines exit-intent triggers with a popup display, page targeting, and a special offer to make sure that you're taking your best shot to close a sale every time.

You might be saying, "But I can't give out discounts for every purchase," and that makes total sense. With a tiered approach, you're able to save the higher discounts for large cart values while providing lower, less costly incentives to those with smaller cart values. This strategy ensures your incentives are being used to drive the most value for your business.

Need some inspiration before you begin? Check out some customer examples.

Note: The audience targeting used in this guide is only available to Privy accounts integrated with BigCommerce, Shopify, Squarespace, or Wix storefronts. 

Recommended strategy

A successful tiered cart saver strategy typically consists of three levels of incentive. For example, a cart value between $0-$99 results in an offer for free shipping, while a cart value of $100-$249 triggers an offer to save $10, and carts with over $250 trigger an offer to save 10%. 

This means you'll need at least three separate displays running at the same time. 

Create the displays

To implement a tiered cart-saver strategy like the one outlined above: 

  • Follow these steps to create your first-tier display and configure any desired follow-up steps. Do not worry about targeting now, and do not publish the display. 
  • Next, follow these steps to copy the original display and make the desired changes to it—specifically, the associated coupon code. Other changes might include a slightly different design and wording. Like with the tier one display, do not worry about targeting now, and do not publish the display. 
  • Now, create one last copy and make the desired changes to reflect your tier three offer. Unlike the first two displays, please navigate to the Settings step and use the targeting conditions shown below in the Audience Targeting section, move to the Follow-up step, and Publish the display.  

  • Finally, work backward and add targeting conditions for the tier 2 and tier 1 cart-saver displays you created. These conditions ensure the visitor has the desired cart value and hasn't already received another offer during today's shopping session. 
Tier-1 Cart Saver Tier-2 Cart Saver
Cart value is greater than 0 Cart value is greater than or equal to $100
Cart value is less than or equal to $99 Cart value is less than or equal to $249
Display seen (this session) is not Tier 2 Cart Saver or Tier 3 Cart Saver Display seen (this session) is not Tier 1 Cart Saver or Tier 3 Cart Saver
  • Publish the tier 2 and tier 1 displays. 

Congratulations! You just took a huge step towards growing your business. The tiered cart saver strategy is the “secret sauce” that many of Privy's most successful merchants rely on to reduce abandoned carts and drive sales. 

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