How to Use a Discount Free Strategy

When you think of a pop-up or other onsite display, you likely also think of an associated offer or discount. This relationship isn't unfounded, as a pop-up with a discount is a proven and potent combination for converting visitors into subscribers and customers. However, this combination isn't required. With a bit of creativity, you can quickly move from the stereotypical discount pop-up to an enhanced on-site experience that doesn't deviate from your established brand or cut into revenue. Interested? Learn more below.

Common questions

Why would you choose not to offer a code?

  • You do not typically offer discounts.
  • You don't want to cut into revenue unpredictably. 
  • You already offer a sitewide sale or share a discount code on the site, such as in a banner. 
  • You are running a separate promotion and don't want to show competing offers. 

What are the benefits of discount-free displays?

  • They do not "cheapen" a brand's image. Some brands are built around never offering discounts, and controlling this perception is an important aspect of their marketing efforts.  
  • They do not variably cut into revenue. Instead, they are either of no cost or a set cost like a specific prize or gift in a giveaway. 
  • They provide an opportunity to collect emails while offering other promotions on-site. 
  • They do not directly compete with other discount offers. For example, if you already offer a discount to visitors via a sitewide sale or banner, the customer will favor the free code over one that needs an email address to obtain. 

Example displays

Check out three of the most common discount-free display types used by Privy customers. 

Gated content offers

Gated content is any type of content that visitors can only access after exchanging their information. Essentially, the content is hidden behind a display and requires a signup. Gated content is great for lead generation as it entices visitors to signup while simultaneously identifying an area of interest. Compelling types of gated content include white papers, ebooks, and webinars. 

Initial Display Thank You Message


  • You’re giving away something that a customer wants access to and collecting emails in the process. Beyond the initial investment in time creating the offer, there is minimal to no cost when offering it to visitors over the long term. 

How to execute:

  1. Create a content offer, such as an e-book, and host it somewhere that provides you with a shareable -link that visitors can access. 
  2. Build a display in Privy promoting access following if they provide their email. More information on creating this kind of display is available here
  3. Use a button on the “Thank you” page to direct the customer to that page once they’ve given their email for access. 

Example audience targeting settings:

  • Scheduling: 15 seconds, once every day
  • Audience Targeting: Display signed up is not any display


A giveaway provides a free service, product, or credit in exchange for a visitor's information. A giveaway is great for lead generation because it entices visitors to signup in exchange for a controllable cost to you. For example, you might have an extra product that you must get rid of by a certain date. A giveaway helps clear that inventory while providing future leads at an already realized cost. There is no additional cut into your revenue via a discount code.  

Initial Display Thank You Message


  • A giveaway is a fixed cost. You know the cost and can easily predict it on a recurring basis versus the variable cost of claimed discounts toward your products and services. 

How to execute

  • Select a prize, such as a product or gift card. 
  • Build a display in Privy promoting the giveaway with an email address required for entry. 
  • Set a reminder for yourself whenever the drawing occurs to go into the results tab and randomly select a winner.
  • Contact that winner directly and send the prize.

Example audience targeting settings

  • Scheduling: 15 seconds, once every day
  • Audience Targeting: Display signed up is not any display

Exclusive Access

Access to an exclusive or limited product or service is a proven way to entice interest and conversions from visitors. By making something exclusive, rare, or one-time, you can create urgency. This feeling can lead your visitors to be more impulsive, be less indecisive, and ultimately provide their details.

Initial Display Thank You Message


  • Exclusivity is inherently intriguing to a large audience, and the access you provide is a predictable cost. You know the cost and can easily predict it regularly versus the variable cost of claimed discounts towards your products and services. 

How to execute

  • Create a product or page that offers exclusive access to your store.
  • Build a display in Privy promoting access to the exclusive offer with email entry. 
  • Use a button on the “Thank you” page to direct the customer to that page once they’ve given their email for access. 

Example audience targeting settings

  • Scheduling: 15 seconds, once every day
  • Audience Targeting: Display signed up is not any display
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