Create a Phone Capture Display

The phone capture display incentivizes visitors to share their phone numbers with you by offering a special discount. With text message open rates typically in the 90%+ range, the display is a quick and easy way to grow your text list and engage your customers in one of the highest-performing channels

Create the display

To create a phone capture display:

  • Navigate to the Plays dashboard via the main navigation.
  • Locate the Phone Capture play, and select the Create button.
  • Choose the discount coupon that you will offer on your display. If you didn't create one in advance, check out this article to learn how to do it. 
  • Click Continue to start customizing the display's design. 

Customize your display

To customize your new phone capture display:

  • Use the display designer to customize the displays to reflect the associated offer (e.g., 10%) and your company branding. The phone capture play consists of three different displays: Flyout, Thank You Page, and Tabs.
  • Select the Save option at the upper right when you complete your design(s). 

Target the right audience

As with all Privy plays, a recommended target audience has already been selected for your display. In this case, the phone capture display appears immediately to all audiences (everyone) and remains visible to visitors until it is disabled. To change these default options, use the Target step and customize the desired settings. 

  1. The Triggers and Visibility card allows you to determine when and how often the display appears to visitors. After making any changes, please select Save
  2. The Audience Targeting card allows you to target a more specific segment of your visitors instead of all visitors. If you update these settings to include various other attributes, activities, and behaviors, please select Save
  3. The Scheduling card determines how long the display will appear to visitors. Update the setting if you'd like the display to expire on a specific fixed date, then save.
  4. The Coupon card is optional and allows you to offer a coupon in exchange for sign-up.

Follow-up the display

To sync the display's signups to another service or send a follow-up message to the customers who submitted the display, move to the Follow-up step and review the following optional options:

  1. Enable and customize the default after-signup email to send an email to the individuals who decided to sign up for the display. 
  2. Select the Create series option to send additional after-signup emails. 
  3. Select the Sync signups option to sync the signups to a list in a linked account. If you're not using Privy Email, this setting is particularly important as it ensures the contact information (e.g., email address) is available to the third-party provider.
  4. Select the Send text message option to send an after-signup text message to the individuals who decided to sign up for the display.
  5. The Notifications setting allows you to enable or disable real-time notifications for your users. These notifications will alert the user of new display signups immediately. If you make any changes, please select Save.

Note: Customers can receive texts if their phone number was collected via a Privy display using the phone field, they checked the text opt-in checkbox, and they answered "YES" to the double opt-in message sent to their number. 

Launch the display

Once the display has been created, the target audience selected, and any desired follow-up messages configured, select the Publish button at the upper right of the Follow-up step and confirm your decision in the prompt.

The phone capture display is now live and will appear to your qualifying customers. 

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