Who Gets Abandoned Cart Texts?

Multiple factors determine whether or not a shopper will receive an abandoned cart text from Privy. For a text message to be sent, your shopper must meet all of the following criteria. Please review them carefully. 

Note: Privy Text messages can only be sent to numbers registered in the United States and Canada (+1 country code) at this time. 

They are a known and reachable contact - A shopper must be a known contact that exists in your Privy account and must be eligible to receive texts. 

  • A known contact has a contact profile in your Privy account that is available when searching the Contacts dashboard. The known contact must also be "cookied" by Privy to tie their actions to a specific contact profile. A tracking cookie is placed in their browser when they submit a Privy display or provide their email address and agree to receive marketing communications through the checkout flow for Shopify, Shopify Plus, and Weebly storefronts. 

  • An eligible contact has "textable" permission and an SMS Opt-in value of True. A contact's text permissions are available for review on the Contacts dashboard and their profile. They only receive both values if they've submitted a display with the Text Opt-in Disclaimer and then confirmed their action via the automatic opt-in text message.

They had the appropriate cart value - If you have a connected BigCommerce, Shopify, or Wix store, Privy can detect the amount of value in a shopper’s cart during their visit. If the value in their cart is greater than or equal to the minimum value and does not exceed any set maximum threshold, the shopper will remain eligible to receive the abandoned cart text.

They had the appropriate products in their cart - If you have a connected Shopify store, Privy can detect the products in a shopper's cart via your store's product IDs. At least one of the products identified in this field must be in the shopper's cart for them to remain eligible for the text. 

Enough time has passed since their visit - When a shopper visits your site, their activity is recorded within Privy. If their last visit occurred after the time you have set in the “last seen” setting, then they remain eligible to receive the abandoned cart text.  

They have not already received an abandoned cart text for this visit - Phone carrier policies mandate that your shoppers can only receive one abandoned cart text per cart abandonment. If you create a series to remind shoppers 2 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after their visit, Privy will not send the second and third messages.

A shopper is eligible for a new abandoned cart text if the following are true:

  • The initial text that they qualified for has been sent, or they completed a purchase. 
  • They return to your site at least 48 hours later. Privy enforces a 48-hour cooldown period between messages to allow recipients to engage with your message and to protect your text message-sending score. 
  • They abandon their cart again. 

If the cart associated with the new visit meets the criteria of one of your abandoned cart texts, such as its value or required contents, then the cycle starts again. 

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