Get Started With Privy Email

Communication is critical if you want to retain customers. The resources below will help jumpstart those communications by ensuring you know what options are available to you. 

Import and manage your contacts

A contact is an individual whose interaction with your business has prompted the creation of a profile in your Privy account. The information stored in these records empowers you to create more focused displays via audience targeting and enables you to send eligible recipients marketing or sales communications. 

Before importing contacts from an external source, such as a previous service provider, it's essential to evaluate the health of your list and ensure its compliance with Privy's guidelines.

Once you've reviewed those resources and scrubbed your list(s), get your contacts into Privy by following these steps

Set your mailing address

Marketing emails must include your business's physical address and a link for contacts to manage their email subscription to comply with anti-spam legislation. Privy will automatically add the appropriate unsubscribe link, but you must update your address information before sending any emails. Set your mailing address by following these steps

Determine your branding

Your account's brand settings allow you to select a default color and font along with a default set of social links and a default logo. Updating these options makes creating content easier and helps ensure consistency across your various displays and messages. Determine your branding by following these steps

Configure your sending domain

By default, the address used to send emails from Privy is However, this address can be updated to reflect your specific domain and brand instead. This simple change typically increases your open rates and deliverability because the sending address is instantly recognizable to your customers. Customize your sending domain by following these steps

Send the right email

Privy supports a wide range of email types so that you can send the right message, to the right person, at the right time. 

Send Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails are one of the most valuable tools for an e-commerce business. Sent individually or as part of a series, these messages target customers who added items to their cart but failed to complete the transaction. Start saving sales by following these steps

Send Welcome Emails

A welcome email is incredibly important for any e-commerce business. Sent individually or as part of a series, these messages allow you to set the tone for the rest of your relationship with a new subscriber and prospective future customer. Furthermore, the average welcome email has an open rate of 91%, so your welcome email will likely have one of the highest open rates of any email you send, which means it's something you can't afford to skip. Learn more

Send Customer Winback emails

Customer Winback emails let you automatically engage with customers who haven't bought from you in a while. This re-engagement is significant because repeat customers are 9x more likely to convert, spend 3x the average order value of first-time buyers, and are 20% more profitable for your business over the long term. Start driving repeat purchases by following these steps

Send Newsletters

Newsletters are a powerful tool for any e-commerce business. The messages sent through this channel can circulate important information, establish your brand's reputation, strengthen your relationship with customers, and help move recipients through your sales funnel. Start creating beautiful, branded emails that engage your current subscribers by following these steps

Send Purchase Follow-up Emails

Setting up a purchase follow-up email is one of the most effective things you can do for your business. The post-purchase period is a crucial point in your customer's journey, and a purchase follow-up email provides you the opportunity to build brand loyalty and create repeat customers. BigCommerce, Shopify, and Wix users also have the ability to add order summaries to your purchase follow-up email. Start fostering your post-sale relationships by following these steps

Send an After Signup Series

In addition to the email types outlined above, you can create automated emails or coupon reminders tied to a specific onsite display from within the "Follow-up" step of the display builder. These series are kicked off when someone signs up for your display and sends on the schedule you determine. 

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