Add Privy Tags to Your Contacts

Privy Tags are labels that you create to organize your contacts. Tagging enables you to create a custom contact structure in Privy by differentiating contacts based on the data you know about them. Privy Tags are highly customizable and can be applied during an import or via a contact's profile. Once a Privy Tag is applied, it becomes available for contact filtering and audience segmentation. 

Privy Tags are often used to identify a contact's source, such as the name of a specific in-person event or the contact's relationship with your business, such as Friends & Family or VIP. 

Add tags during an import

When you import a spreadsheet (CSV) of contacts, you will reach a Tags step. This step in the import process allows you to apply new or existing tags to all of the contacts included in the import file. 

Add tags to a contact profile

To add Privy Tags to contacts individually and without the need for an import: 

  • Navigate to Contacts
  • Select the contact that you'd like to tag. 
  • Select the Add a tag option from the Attributes section of the sidebar. 
  • Input the desired tags - multiple tags must be separated by commas - and Save

Remove a contact tag

To remove Privy Tags from contacts: 

  • Navigate to Contacts
  • Select the contact that you'd like to edit.
  • Select the Edit option next to the contact's tags from the sidebar's Attributes section
  • Remove (X) the desired tags and Save

Put your tags to work

Once a Privy Tag is applied to at least one contact, it becomes available for contact filtering and newsletter audience segmentation. 

Contact filtering

To filter your contacts by their tag(s):

  • Navigate to Contacts
  • Select the Privy Tags filter option from the sidebar.
  • Configure the filter's option and select the Filter button to refresh your results.  

Newsletter segmentation

To use a tag for the segmentation of your newsletter recipients, include the Privy Tags filter while building a custom segment. 

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