Add Coupons to a Spin-to-Win

A spin-to-win display encourages visitors to submit their contact information for a chance to win several potential prizes via an interactive wheel. When creating a spin-to-win display, you have two coupon options for each winning wedge on your wheel - Saved or Custom

Saved coupons

A saved coupon is one that was previously created via the Coupons tool. Built in Privy, these coupons are customizable within Privy. Additionally, if you've integrated your Shopify or BigCommerce store with Privy, the saved coupons will automatically sync to your store. If possible, the use of saved coupons is recommended as it ensures all aspects of the display are accessible and editable without leaving your Privy account.

To use a saved coupon in a Spin to Win display: 

  • Create a coupon in Privy by following these steps
  • Select or create a spin-to-win display via the Convert dashboard. 
  • In the display builder, select the display to open the editor. 

  • In the editor, select the Wheel element from the sidebar. 
  • Click the Configure slices button in the element's options. 
  • Select the coupon dropdown menu for a slice and switch it to the Saved coupon option. 
  • Select the desired coupon from the new dropdown menu that appears and configure the slice's other options (e.g., Label). Repeat this process for the desired number of slices. 
  • Once all of your slices are ready, select OK at the bottom of the prompt and then select the Save option at the top-right of the editor. 

Congratulations! You've just applied saved coupons to your spin-to-win display. 

Custom coupons

A custom coupon is one that you create within your e-commerce platform and reference within the display. All of the coupon's settings and any changes to the coupon's value must be made on the external platform. The changes do not and will not sync between Privy and the other platform. Custom coupons are only recommended if a saved coupon is not a viable option. 

To use a custom coupon in a spin-to-win display: 

  • Create a coupon in your external e-commerce platform. 
  • Select or create a spin-to-win display via the Convert dashboard. 
  • In the display builder, select the display to open the editor. 

  • In the editor, select the Wheel element from the sidebar. 
  • Click the Configure slices button in the element's options. 
  • Replace the EXAMPLE placeholder text for a slice with a coupon code you've created in your e-commerce store already, and then configure the slice's other options (e.g., Label).
  • Repeat this process for the desired number of slices. 
  • Once all of your slices are ready, select OK at the bottom of the prompt and then select the Save option at the top-right of the editor. 

Congratulations! You've just applied custom coupons to your spin-to-win display. 

Review a contact's winnings

Once your spin-to-win display has been set up and published, the submission information for each contact, including which coupon they received, becomes available in the display's Results section. To access this information, select the display, scroll down to where you see email addresses, and click on one. A prompt will appear that will tell you the coupon details from when that person subscribed. 

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