Get Started With Campaigns

Campaigns are a great way to connect and stay relevant with your audience. Whether you’re new to campaigns or you’re reevaluating your email marketing strategy, you might be asking yourself the following questions:

What kind of content should I send in a campaign?

While Automations are perfect for sending personalized emails in response to an action taken by your customer, Campaigns are perfect for informing your list of the latest happenings at your brand.

Share exciting updates:

  • Sales and sale reminders
  • Restock alerts
  • New arrivals
  • New items added to sale

Provide value:

  • Product spotlights (how to use it, share its benefits, and identify what problem it solves)
  • Recipes
  • Style guides & Gift guides
  • Tips & tricks (life hacks, creative ways to use your product)

Build relationships:

  • A note from the founder
  • Subscriber-exclusive content (sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes, early access)
  • Share customer stories
  • An End of Year recap after the holidays

Need some inspiration? Check out our Swipe File for dozens of great examples from brands we love!

How often should I send email campaigns?

It’s best practice to send 1-2 campaigns a week. At a minimum, we recommend businesses send emails at least once a month. 

The most important thing is to pick a cadence that you know you can be consistent with; consistency is key because it lets your subscribers know what to expect from you. Taking large breaks from sending and/or suddenly doubling your cadence can rattle customers and put you at risk for higher spam complaints and unsubscribe rates.

How often should I be sending to All Contacts vs. sending to Segments?

Sending emails to engaged contacts is a great deliverability practice; it’s important for inbox providers to see that you’re sending relevant content to people who truly want to hear from you. For that reason, we recommend mindfully sending to your Engaged Contacts on a regular basis.

Send to All Contacts when you have important updates such as new product drops, big sales announcements, or limited-time deals.

Send to your Engaged Contacts Smart Segment when you have less urgent newsletters such as style guides, recipes, product spotlights, or you’re linking to a new blog post or video.

Send to Custom Segments when you have a certain goal in mind, and when you have a specific message for a specific group of people. Here’s some examples:

  • Offering a segment of contacts with 0 orders a limited-time deal to try your product for the first time.
  • Tagging local customers and sending them an email about an upcoming in-person event.
  • Checking in with contacts who haven’t opened an email in 6+ months to see if they still want to hear from you.

What’s the best time to send newsletters?

According to research by Hubspot, marketing emails tend to see the highest engagement when sent on weekdays between 9-12AM, or 12-3PM.

Be mindful of the content you’re sending as well. For example, if you’re running a promotion or launching a new product, you’ll want to announce it in the morning rather than the afternoon. If you’re sending a newsletter with a new blog post, you’re probably safe to send in the afternoon as people are wrapping up their work day.

That said, your audience is unique to your business. If you’re not sure what your audience responds to, we recommend trying to send on different days and times for a few weeks to see what gets the most eyes on your content.

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