Translate a Display

If your company does business across regions or with a customer base that speaks multiple languages, you'll likely want to present them with localized displays. This approach ensures that the visitor is able to view the content in the language with which they are most comfortable. 

Note: Most web browsers will automatically offer to translate the page depending on the viewer's language settings. This approach is best used when you offer language-specific sites. 

To translate a display in Privy:

  • Navigate to the Convert > All Displays
  • Duplicate() the display that you'd like to translate. More details here
  • Rename the copy with the Edit() button.
  • Update the copy's content manually or with the assistance of a translation service like Google Translate. Areas often overlooked during translation include the display's form labels and the content of the display's thank-you page or follow-up message. 

  • Consider updating the copy's Who To Show It To settings in the Target step so the display only appears on certain pages, including specific country codes. 
  • Save and publish the display when the translation is complete. 

Success! You have translated your display.

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