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Showing articles from Sync tag

Sync Coupons to Your ESP

Syncing a contact's coupon information to an external email service provider (ESP) allows you to gauge the contact's recent activities more easily and craft personalized messaging around their display signups or the coupon code they've received. # Before you begin Please make sure your Privy account is properly inte…

Sync Contacts to Shopify

Privy automatically syncs all display signups to Shopify as mailable contacts after Privy is [installed in your Shopify store][1]. Each contact is added to your Shopify account's "Customers" list. # What information is included? By default, the contact's email address, as well as their first and last name (if includ…

Use Display Automation Rules

Privy Convert displays can sync collected contacts to a connected email marketing service using automation rules. These rules must be configured for each display individually. # Prepare to sync contacts Before following the steps outlined below, please make sure that your account is correctly integrated with one of …

Sync Contacts to Klaviyo

To sync the contacts captured by your Privy Convert displays to your Klaviyo account, you must link (integrate) the two accounts and add automation rules to your displays. # Link the accounts To link your Privy account with your Klaviyo account: * In Privy, click the **Account **option from the navigation. Your b…

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