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Showing articles from Campaign tag

Create an Out-of-Stock Display

Almost every online shopper can relate to the sheer frustration of spending time searching for a product, selecting the proper size/color, and finally hitting purchase, only to receive an alert saying, "Sorry, the item is out of stock." An out-of-stock display helps reduce customer frustration and disappointment by p…

Why Can’t I See My Display?

[![][1]][2] To help you create an excellent experience for your customers, Privy uses cookies to track how your visitors interact with your displays. If Privy detects that a visitor has already submitted a display, it will not be shown to them again. If Privy detects that a visitor has already seen and dismissed a dis…

Manage Display Tabs

Popup, flyout, banner, and spin-to-win displays, each support tabs. The tabs can be placed and styled in various ways for both desktop and mobile views. The tabs allow the display to be manually triggered by a visitor, which is particularly useful if you are hoping to create a minimally invasive offer or would like to…

Use the "Build Your Own" Display Designer

The [Build Your Own][1] designer allows you to create the visual components of the displays that your customers will see when visiting your store, such as pop-ups, flyouts, and banners. This option offers expanded customization opportunities through a drag-and-drop interface and is only recommended for users with a go…

Create a Welcome Discount Display

A welcome discount display appears as soon as your visitor arrives or shortly after their arrival. Its main goal is to grab the visitor's attention and entice them to provide their contact information. The vast majority of first- time visitors aren't going to make a purchase when they first explore your site, so this …

Privy Display Types

The Convert tool currently offers seven display types that can be customized in a variety of ways via [plays][1] or from scratch. These types are Popup, Flyout, Bar, Banner, Spin-to-Win, Embedded Form, and Landing Page. Each offers unique advantages based on the situation. # Popups Popups, also known as light boxes,…

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