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Showing articles from Privy Email tag

Get Started With Privy Email

Communication is critical if you want to retain customers. The resources below will help jumpstart those communications by ensuring you know what options are available to you. # Import and manage your contacts A contact is an individual whose interaction with your business has prompted the creation of a profile in y…

Set Up an After Signup Email

The after-signup email is a one-time email that is sent to contacts after they've signed up. The first after-signup email, in a potential series, is available to all accounts. # Create an after-signup email To create an after-signup email: * Navigate to the **Convert** > **All Displays **via the main navigation. …

Send Newsletter Emails

Newsletters are a powerful tool for any e-commerce business. The messages sent through this channel can circulate important information, establish your brand's reputation, strengthen your relationship with customers, and help move recipients through your sales funnel. With newsletters, you can: * Create completely …

Send a Customer Winback Email

Customer Winback Emails let you automatically engage with customers who haven't bought from you in a while. This is big because Winback Emails are a crucial component of any customer retention strategy. No matter what you're selling, you should be sending Winback Emails to encourage existing customers to return to you…

Send Purchase Follow Up Emails

Setting up a purchase follow-up email is one of the most effective things you can do for your business. The post-purchase period is a crucial point in your customer's journey, and a purchase follow-up email provides you the opportunity to build brand loyalty and create repeat customers. To send a fully realized purcha…

Create and Manage Email Templates

Consistency in branding and presentation enables customers to feel familiar with your content and is essential for building trust. It quickly reassures them that the communication is genuine and establishes expectations on how they can find the information that matters to them. Templates make this consistency easier …

Use the Drag-and-Drop Email Editor

The drag-and-drop email editor allows you to quickly and easily create email messages, such as newsletters and purchase follow-ups, that your qualifying customers will receive. Use email to share updates with your subscribers, promote special offers, or encourage a purchase. Each email created with the editor will ren…

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