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Showing articles from Shopify Tags tag

Target Audience by Shopify Login

Privy's audience targeting rules are a collection of conditions that allow you to target individuals with specific displays so that you can display the right message, to the right person, at the right time. This guide reviews how to leverage some custom JavaScript to show a display to individuals who are or are not lo…

Sync Contacts to Shopify

Privy automatically syncs all display signups to Shopify as mailable contacts after Privy is [installed in your Shopify store][1]. Each contact is added to your Shopify account's "Customers" list. # What information is included? By default, the contact's email address, as well as their first and last name (if includ…

Use Custom and Smart Segments in Email

### A segment is a group of contacts defined by a set of conditions. Unlike a static subscriber list, segments are dynamic, meaning they grow as contacts meet the segment's conditions and shrink as contacts no longer meet them. Segmented email sends often return more revenue per recipient than unsegmented sends as th…

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