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Showing articles from Texting tag

Who Gets Abandoned Cart Texts?

Multiple factors determine whether or not a shopper will receive an [abandoned cart text][1] from Privy. For a text message to be sent, your shopper must meet all of the following criteria. Please review them carefully. **Note: **[Privy Text][2] messages can only be sent to numbers registered in the United States and…

Send a Broadcast Text

With Privy Text, you can send a text message to all or a specific segment of your contacts at once. These broadcast texts, sometimes called bulk SMS or mass texts, are perfect for product launches, sale announcements, or special occasions and benefit from exceptionally high open rates compared to other marketing chann…

Set Up an After Signup Text

The after signup text message is a one-time text that is sent to contacts after they've signed up with a valid phone number, checked the text opt-in checkbox, and confirmed their desire to receive messages via double opt-in. # Create a compatible display To ensure you can send a text message to subscribers, make sur…

SMS Best Practices with Privy Text

The simplicity and pervasiveness of text messaging has made SMS marketing an emerging top sales channel for businesses. The resources below will help you implement best practices as you develop your own SMS marketing strategy. # Get consent before sending For SMS marketing, you must always get permission before text…

Send abandoned cart texts

With Privy Text, you can send abandoned cart messages to contacts who: visit your site, add an item to their cart, and then leave without completing the purchase. Sending these messages encourages your contacts to complete their purchase and is one of the most impactful things you can do to recover revenue for your bu…

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