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Showing articles from Newsletters tag

Resend an Unopened Newsletter

If you have subscribers who didn't open a [newsletter][1] that they might find particularly relevant or useful, you may want to send it again. Resending a newsletter can cause unsubscribes, but if you only do it once and within a day or two of the first send time, it may help you boost your overall engagement. # Reco…

Get Started With Privy Email

Communication is critical if you want to retain customers. The resources below will help jumpstart those communications by ensuring you know what options are available to you. # Import and manage your contacts A contact is an individual whose interaction with your business has prompted the creation of a profile in y…

Send Newsletter Emails

Newsletters are a powerful tool for any e-commerce business. The messages sent through this channel can circulate important information, establish your brand's reputation, strengthen your relationship with customers, and help move recipients through your sales funnel. With newsletters, you can: * Create completely …

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