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Showing articles from Campaign Design tag

Edit an Existing Display

Once you've created a display, you will find it on your Convert dashboard after logging into your account. Editing a display you've already begun working on, or a display that's already been published only takes a few simple steps. # Edit an Existing Build Your Own Display * Navigate to **Convert** > **All Display…

Create a Two-Step Display

A two-step display allows you to ease a visitor into providing their contact information. Rather than your display immediately asking for a bunch of information upfront, it offers a buffer step to garner some buy-in from the visitor or makes the signup process more approachable by spreading the desired fields over mul…

Create an Exit-Intent Display

An exit-intent display is a marketing message displayed to a website visitor who's just about to leave your website or storefront. The display is triggered when visitors move their mouse to leave or close the page. This display type is highly encouraged as it gives you one last chance to convince your visitor to stay …

Manage Display Tabs

Popup, flyout, banner, and spin-to-win displays, each support tabs. The tabs can be placed and styled in various ways for both desktop and mobile views. The tabs allow the display to be manually triggered by a visitor, which is particularly useful if you are hoping to create a minimally invasive offer or would like to…

Use a Play or Build My Own Display?

Privy offers two distinct display creation experiences depending on your decision to use a ready-to-go play or build a more customized display from scratch. Check out the key differences between the experiences below. # Plays - Speed and Simplicity The [Plays editor][1] is a more streamlined experience, offering a q…

Create a Cart Saver Display

A Cart Saver display encourages visitors who have started the checkout process to complete their purchase if they indicate that they are about to leave. A Cart Saver display combines exit-intent triggers with a popup display, page targeting, and a special offer to make sure that you're taking your best shot to close a…

Create a Landing Page

A landing page is a standalone web page that is specifically designed to receive and convert traffic from a marketing or advertising campaign. It's where a visitor "lands" after they click on a link in an email, an ad, a social post, or other web content. Unlike a traditional web page, which typically encourages a vis…

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