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Showing articles from Phone Field tag

Create a Phone Capture Display

The phone capture display incentivizes visitors to share their phone numbers with you by offering a special discount. With text message open rates typically in the 90%+ range, the display is a quick and easy way to grow your text list and engage your customers in one of the [highest-performing channels][1]. ![][2] #…

Sync Contacts to Postscript

To sync the contacts captured by your Privy Convert displays to your Postscript account, you will need to link (integrate) the two accounts and add automation rules to your compatible displays. # Link the accounts To link your Privy account with your Postscript account: * In Privy, click the **Account **option fr…

Integrate Privy with Attentive

The Privy integration with Attentive allows contact information collected by Privy to be used for SMS marketing in Attentive. The combination provides an opportunity to expand your brand's reach beyond the traditional email channel and meet your customers with compelling promotions in other areas. **Note: **This guid…

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